Wednesday, August 29, 2007

i hate my mom

i hate my mom she doesnt give two shits about me! FOR NO REASON today she called me a stupid fuker a stupid bitch a douche bag a shit head a dick head than she said you never stop eating why are you always eating stop eating eery three hours i dont give a shit how you feel why should i care how you feel ! i mean i dont feel like i have a mother anymore...shes just making me feel worse and worse about my self... i lost confidence in myself i feel like im not gonna fit in at my new school... i just want my old mom who loved me and cared for me and didnt bribe me to shut me up was back. now whenever i have a problem she says get over it and doesnt give two shits about it... but when i was little she used to say oh im sorry tell me whats going on and she used to help me..... i mean i get jack shit at home and when i went to school at bellport middle school i got jack shit all i got was my feelings shattered and ripped apart and ow thats what i get at home! i dont deserve that!!! i always care and help her out with her problems! does she do that for me? no! she gives me fucking jack shit except for bribes and heart breakage and she doesnt get it!! she doesnt listen! and when i tell her mom you and i both know you treat me like shit. she goesballistic and says no i dont you fuking leing bitch! and i feel like i just got shot in the heart knowing my mom doesnt love me... she doesnt care how i feel and she bribes me so ill leeve her alone and not say anything! i miss my old mom...i want her back... ill talk to you all later...ttyl,raven


Anonymous said...

raven, your with us wether u like it or not. that means you always have a place with us.

Rose :Raven: said...

thx wolfy how are things by you?

Rose :Raven: said...

hey thx im not much of a hero to ppl but thx kat

turnabout said...

haha well you are to me! you put up with crap i lot better then i ever have! (or ever will XD)

<3 kat

Rose :Raven: said...

lol thx kat get on AIM im on it rite now

Ink said...

I got your comment and I wanted to say thanks for commenting and that I love your blog!!
The playlist is awesome! I practically had a heart attack when I saw that you had Here in Your Arms on there.
I love that song and I haven't heard it in FOREVER.
And I also LOVE your header pic.
Its so cool!

I'll start reading posts now!


Rose :Raven: said...

thx hope you like my freakish yet loveable posts

Ink said...

I read your post.
I'm sorry about your mom. I'm not saying that she won't ever be the same again, and I'm not saying that she's not a good mom or anything.
But right now you shouldn't let what she says to you affect how you think about life.
She's still your mom and you should give her the respect of that still, but just because she says those things about you doesn't mean that its true.
I know that I don't know you well, or personally. But I bet that you are a beautiful, strong, amazing woman.
Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
: D


Rose :Raven: said...

wow..thx you sound just like my boyfriend

Ink said...

Ummm... thanks. I didn't mean to sound like a dude... just a friend.


becca[you dazzle me] said...

don't listen to her parents shouldn't act like that...

Rose :Raven: said...

lol ink i didnt mean it that way you talk like he comforts me

Ink said...

Well, good! I like comforting people!


Rose :Raven: said...

heh, if anyones got a myspace look me up on display name JeNeVa HaS aRiVeD fUkErS NeW aNd ImPrOvEd

Rose :Raven: said...

or just go to

Ink said...

I like your glitter peoples! The red haired chick with the skulls is awesome!


Rose :Raven: said...

thx i just got home from the pool and im covered in sunburn wolf boy where are you?

Ink said...

Oh, ouch.


Rose :Raven: said...

thx ink how are you?

Just another face in the crowd said...

Hey! Thanks for checking out my blog! ^_^

Lol I really like your blog, it's really cool. I'll definitely come back :D

Rose :Raven: said...

thx lots everyone im going out for a while ill ttyl

Ink said...

I'm okay. Depressed that school has started up again.
What about you? How are you doing?


Anonymous said...

hey raven I'm here. so how r U ?
and how is school?


Rose :Raven: said...

im not that good either im starting at a new skool =( i dont want to either...tommorow i have a doctors appointment skool appoinment nail and eyebrow wax appointment and than i have to wake up at 5:30 am take a shower do my hair get my clothes on get my backpack and lunch money and than go on a bus with middle and high skooler!!!! ughhhh i hate this... ttyl

Nudge.::.Twin said...

oh my gosh! I can't believe your mom does that! my brother used to try to commit suicide. they'd fight all the time in front of me. he'd try running away. he'd hold a knife up to his throat and he and my dad started strangling each other. It makes me feel like shit. nobody asked me how i took it. they're better now though. so, your mom can change. in school, just do your best and be outgoing. people who try to step on you, you should ignore. they'll get bored by no reaction. that's what happened with me.

Rose :Raven: said...

thx hows skool for you this year so far?

Nudge.::.Twin said...

Well, I guess it's good. Except for L.A. I hate presentations

Rose :Raven: said...

lol ya my new skool sukkkkkks asssss

Rose :Raven: said...

thx guys im having a very hard time here rite now...somethings up with my bf

Themes songs for me, my character, and Vincent, anf Final fantasy 7 =)

Vincents themes Naomi's Theme My theme Final fantasy 7 character theme songs Me and Vincents song


"And so, the hound weaves in its final chapter of life."

"Don't waste dreams away, or your wasting your life away.."

"Love..Is pain, hatred, and depression...If you lose it.."

"What is art? Find out...And live your life!"

"How can there be life...If there is no one living it?"

"Danger? I don't think so.."

Music..Again...But better...