Thursday, September 13, 2007

im booooooooooooooooored

ok people no ones on and im bored....sooooo idk i guess ill just post so im wityh my cuzin and my annoying dog who hates her guts just hanging out and wolf boy WUT THE FUCK IS UP WITH YOU MAN YOUR FREAKING ME OUT I HEARD YOUR GONNA DO SOMETIN ILLEGAL (not from kat) Guys im bored if anyone is on....MEANING ANYONNNE plz comment im boredd and wanna talk. elfy you on tom? anyone? hellllo hellllo helllllo helllo (its echoing lol) so comment i miss funnys and crap like that...ttyl, raven (ps im hyper lololol)


turnabout said...

thanks for that whole not me thing. i'm not sure how well it worked though.

<3 kitkat

Rose :Raven: said...

turnabout said...

i wanna know!!! pick me pick me!!!

<3 kitkat

naiomi said...

wow u have a lot of friends. lol

Rose :Raven: said...

lol yes i do kat meet aiomi everyone meet naiomi my cuzin introduced me too her

naiomi said...

hi raven u still needa introduce me to ur friends

Rose :Raven: said...

i know but i have no idea where they all are

naiomi said...

let me handle it lol. ill be fine. u worry to much. please be happy.

Rose :Raven: said...


turnabout said...

heya ra, hey to you to naiomi! i'm kat (kitkat to most of these people) soooo how are you? if you want you should check out my blog. it'll make talking to me a whole lot less confusing...

<3 kitkat

Rose :Raven: said...

guys dont talk to naiomi if you wanna know why read the post i reely hate my life

Themes songs for me, my character, and Vincent, anf Final fantasy 7 =)

Vincents themes Naomi's Theme My theme Final fantasy 7 character theme songs Me and Vincents song


"And so, the hound weaves in its final chapter of life."

"Don't waste dreams away, or your wasting your life away.."

"Love..Is pain, hatred, and depression...If you lose it.."

"What is art? Find out...And live your life!"

"How can there be life...If there is no one living it?"

"Danger? I don't think so.."

Music..Again...But better...