Saturday, September 29, 2007


Ok im reely bored im at the YA center and im wondering where you guys are!! Oh and I have awsome news! I WENT TO MY FIRST DANCE LAST NITE!! Omfg it was so much fun me and my friends were dancing together and shit like that it wuz sooo much fun....Omg im becoming a prep!! nooooo! ok getting rid of prep in 3 2 1..........................Gone its me so comment i havent heard from all of you in a while.....*Sigh* also info on maximum ride the moviesin the summer kk ttyl...Raven


Ink said...

A dance???? That is SO AWESOME!!!
Glad you had a good time!!!!


dreamer said...

Dude at my school the band geeks(who rule the school and look really nothing like geeks and are the sexiest people walking the planet, I wish I could be one)and the drama nerds are the ones who rule the dance floor.This girl Becca stole this break dancers hat and fricken was twirling and doing all kindsa crazy things with it. She served him his ass on a platter it was funny. You will not turn into a prep because if I saw even the slightest sign I would hate you and I don't so no worries. I love dancing to though I'm porbably not very good. Sorry I'm rambling again.


turnabout said...

I'm here... glad you had fun! talk to you soon


Rose :Raven: said...

lol..I finally got some time to myself

Anonymous said...

nice, yeah boredom is like a curse to us. preppy, lol, nice. awwww, the movie is way to far away.

Anonymous said...

hey dreamer those preppys are my friends,;( and I am complete preppy material, infact I had a chance to be what they call "popular" in the preppys eyes, but I didnt care what they thought about me.

turnabout said...

i think it would amuse me to no end if Wolfy turned into a drone. (sry Wolfy, nothing against ya.) i would indeed miss you if you went to the 'dark side' (or are we that side?), but i would be way to busy laughing my ass off to notice the sad.


Rose :Raven: said...

where are you kat your not on AIM anymore

Anonymous said...

yeah I dont but I am in so many ways, I'm football material, and I'm going out for wrestling this november and I work out with all the preppy kids in the gym, I just choose not to be preppy.

Anonymous said...

I'd never leave you guys kat. but yes I indeed am preppy and yes the preppy's are not the dark side we are kat,, anyside I'm on has to be dark, especizlly if your there

Rose :Raven: said... your not like preppy at all to me your like rocker punk...

dreamer said...

no offense to preps but the ones i know are god awful. I have a friend who does football and wrestling but he's no prep. preps aren't automatically popular actually they are usually the most hated kids. I have litterally a ton of friends but i am not a prep. Yah i agree with you raven wolf totally doesn't seem like a prep.


turnabout said...

Hey wolfy,
i dont see why anyone would rag on you for going out for wrestling, my brother was a football/wreslting/lax player and he worked out like everyday for hours but he wasnt a prep at all. in fact he was like the farthest thing from a prep (unfortunatly in his case that was a bad thing. (idiot he is))

i like this side better, the light side has too much pink and too many hugs. both things i fear & hate.


turnabout said...

where am i?

i'm on my school laptop. long story but i no longer have the energy to use my house comp and we're not aloud to download aim on these. sry.


dreamer said...

heck yah kat.i agree.

Max Ride Fan 13 said...

WOOHOO!!!! I'M BACK AND I MISSED YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!! Check out my blog! I changed the layout. Actually, Arathi did but anyways, LOVE the new look! The pic at the top is a bit freaky though. Lolz. I am a total complete nerd freak geek! I love maths and science!!! And i love exams! Lolz. I'm so nerdy! I feel great to be back!

Rose :Raven: said...

Hey...welcome back max...I haven't talked to you in awhile...Things haven't changed that much since you left. But anyways...Hows things over by you?...Raven

Max Ride Fan 13 said...

Things have been great!! I am using the computer in school to blog. The teachers allow!!! I am freaking out!!!!

Rose :Raven: said...

Hmph..Have fun..

Anonymous said...

I wear aeropostale sometimes and hurley and hollister. but still most of my clothes are as you say punk rocker

dreamer said...

i do raven. i can't afford those brands of clothing wolfy.

Rose :Raven: said...

theres a poll at the end of my blog.....check it out...

turnabout said...

yeah wolfy, i wear those clothes all the time.. well not 'all the time' but some of the time XD

Anonymous said...

dreamer aeropostale is like always on half price sale and I get shirts there for like 9 bucks

dreamer said...

Yeah I still can't afford that. I wear what ever I can get.

Garren said...

you seem very morbid but ok I got your email and I'm inviting you the more the better

Rose :Raven: said...


Max Ride Fan 13 said...

And i love Artemis Fowl too!!! I got the graphic novel yesterday and it was soooo cool! The gadgets are like amazing! Holly is really pretty. Lolz. Artemis' head looks a little too big. Juliet is pretty too! Butler looks very... erm... big? Lolz.

Rose :Raven: said...

preps to us are popular bitchs who are the popular bitches who rule the school and how is the graphic novel so far?

dreamer said...

I totally agree with you raven. I've heard about the novel before but how is it really.

Rose :Raven: said...

its frigging awsome

Anonymous said...

I'm really popular at my school,

dreamer said...

That's cool raven. I don't know if i'm considered popular at my school but i'm friends with most everybody there are a very few who i don't talk to and hang out with. it gets kind of annoying when you walk down the hall and have to say hi to every other person.

dreamer said...

hey i have a poem on my blog will you guys read it and tell me if it sounds emo. my friends keep telling me i'm a closet emo but i want your guys' opinions.

Max Ride Fan 13 said...

Ahh... Popular bitches. The guys in my class calls me a bitch but i know it's not true. THeir just stupid. I guess there are a couple of preps i know(and i hate them) but i can't say that they are popular. I'm kinda popular but not really well liked by most of the boys. Hah! I'm smarter than them and they dont like it. Bloody idiots. THe graphic novel is sooo frigging awesome!! You should totally get it!!!!

Rose :Raven: said...

hey peoples tell me what your being for HALLOWEEN!

dreamer said...

It's between a french maid and a pirate. I'm a complete pirate nut so I'm leaning towards that one.

Anonymous said...

every single person in my grade knows who I am. I hang out with my freshmen friends and juniors, sophomores, and all of the preppy kid every once in a while. I know tons of seniors too, I share a locker with my senior buddy.

I also get unlimited flirting options with like every girl at my school, (though I don't take it)
I don't know I think that makes me popular.

Anonymous said...

none the less I still have a soft spot with my goth/emo/punk friends at lunch.

Rose :Raven: said...

good awesome cool....but...WHAT ARE YOU FOR HALLOWEEN WOLFY?

dreamer said...

My goal was to know every one but them not know me. So I could say hi to them adn they'd be like how do you know my name. But I was surprised there are actually alot of people that know me. But I flirt with what ever guy i feel like flirting with. But the people I hang with and talk to are punk, goth, emo etc.Yah, what are you going to be for Halloween.

Rose :Raven: said...

me? a gtohic madien vampier

dreamer said...

That sounds really cool!

Rose :Raven: said...

ya im putting ancient markings all over my face and arms straighten my hair put on temporary color in it fangs with gum stuff inside so they stay on my teeth high boots black lipstick and fake wings (I cant use my real ones he he)

dreamer said...

Gonna be way better than mine.

turnabout said...

1. Goth fairy thingy

2. Every one at my school now me as [insert last name here]'s little sister or lil' [insert name] (or any variation of that)... annoying as hell sometimes. really helpful others. no one teases me cause he was friends with everyone so they just all know who i am and that i'm off limits when it comes to bugging. i guess it gets kind of weird sometimes but w/e, family is family

turnabout said...

oh and

3. i have prep friends too.

dreamer said...

I don't have prep friends but a few of them will talk to me.

Rose :Raven: said...


Anonymous said...

What am I going to be for Halloween? hmmmmmm.... Well I'm gonna be sitting at home staying grounded for the rest of the year,... so nothing. and don't ask how I got grounded because I don't really want to explain.

Anonymous said...

Hmm. sonds cool, yeah I'm kinda friends with all the preps at my school but I dont hang with them much.

Rose :Raven: said...


Anonymous said...

sorry raven *pouts*

turnabout said...

mea culpa. i'll stop.

Rose :Raven: said...


Themes songs for me, my character, and Vincent, anf Final fantasy 7 =)

Vincents themes Naomi's Theme My theme Final fantasy 7 character theme songs Me and Vincents song


"And so, the hound weaves in its final chapter of life."

"Don't waste dreams away, or your wasting your life away.."

"Love..Is pain, hatred, and depression...If you lose it.."

"What is art? Find out...And live your life!"

"How can there be life...If there is no one living it?"

"Danger? I don't think so.."

Music..Again...But better...