Friday, November 16, 2007

Im so sorry...

im so sorry... About everything... Please forgive me about everything... I couldn't stop myself.. Thinking about having powers was the only thing that made me feel like everyone else.... I had nothing to fall on and when I started with my powers I could not stop... I felt so open so diffrent... I had nothing since everyone hated me because of my anger issues.. I got made fun of all the time and no one cared about me... Even my mother... I just needed something to make me feel like I didn't have a fucking asshole depressing hatred filled life... no one loved me.. I just wanted to feel like somebody... I could never have someone to hold.. Everyone had someone to love in my skools except for me.. I just wanted to have someone and that was all the people in my mind... Vincent valentine made me feel like it was real... And I couldn't stop wanting it... I kept with it and I loved it.. I drew and worte about myself with so much power and so much anger. I didn't have my mind anymore and i couldn't have anyone... I wanted my old life back when I had friends and my mom loved me and I had a father and my brother and I never had it back. Finally I had someone to hold and I messed up big time.. He broke up with me and my whole self got screwed up.. I never went outside I hated everyone.. I couldn't love anymore.. All of my emotions I could barely show.. I wanted to have it all back and once people started to ruin my life again I went insane. Everything went wrong with me.. I wanted love so bad. I missed all of my friends... I wanted to have a normal good life and I never could because I was diffrent and I hated so much... Please I don't have anybody please...


Max Ride Fan 13 said...

Not everyone will feel like you do at one point of their life. Maybe they're just lucky. Everyone's different. Nobody can be exactly. Sure, you can have similarities, but your never exactly the same. Just be who you are. At one point of my ife, i felt like you (but not the whole break-up thing), but now, I couldn't give a damn. Life changes you like that. Be yourself, no one can tell you you suck cos if they do they don't you very well, do they??

SMILEE said...

Jeneva I'm not really a good heart to heart kinda guy. Sorry I've always been a bad shoulder to cry on so to speak but were all still here for you, even me.

turnabout said...

's true what they say. We're here for ya.

(see the ' in we're smilee?)

SMILEE said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SMILEE said...

hey smart ass don't correct my spelling.

turnabout said...

wasn't actually your spelling

turnabout said...

more your grammer ;)

SMILEE said...

hey thanks a lot thats better.

turnabout said...

;) garren's getting upset with me too. it's not my fault he can't spell! *sigh* i told him i'd try not too when it comes to him... which means i'm gunna be extra picky now! :P

Rose :Raven: said...

Lol thanx guys and Kat it really is annoying im with them

Max Ride Fan 13 said...

No Kat, it's not spelling OR grammar. It's PUNCTUATION. Lol. Now i'm correcting you!!!

SMILEE said...

for Garren its not punctuation its spelling.

turnabout said...

i don't mind being corrected actually :P

and yes i know that with Garren it's spelling, though i've finally taught him how to use spell-check. *sighs blissfully* it's mostly better now...

dreamer said...

Wow I missed alot.

Rose :Raven: said...

........ *sigh*

Max Ride Fan 13 said...

But Garren needs to correct his grammar and punctuation too. He misses out on A LOT of commas and full stops. And he doesn't really use capitals. So the whole thing overall needs editing. Sigh

Aiden said...

Your Raven I guess. My names Aiden I was just on Arens blog and I'm sort of checking peoples blogs out. You can look at mine although it's horrible but I'm just going around to say hi.

Shadowolf said...

Umm, Kat just so you friend just pointed out that you don't capitalize your I's. LOL, she's kidding but that is kinda funny. :-)

Rose :Raven: said...

is anyone on anymore?

dreamer said...

I'm still alive Raven. Glad to know you are it's like everyone else has just vanished. Ink and Kat are still alive I believe but I don't know about everybody else.

Max Ride Fan 13 said...

I was in JAPAN!!!! And I am alive. Didn't I tell you guys I would be away for 2 weeks??? So every1 just died in the 16 days that I was gone??? Wow. Missed you Raven

Shadowolf said...

I'm here, been really busy lately. I'm on my schools basketball team. We just had a game that was really far away and got back now which is 12:00 pm. I am really tired but have to complete this project for English. I hate High school

Rose :Raven: said...


SMILEE said...

not sure but I'm here too.

Max Ride Fan 13 said...

Of course you missed me!!! XD I really missed you too!! And all my little minions!!! *Cackles evilly* And seriously, Garren needs to correct EVERYTHING(no offence Garren). Anybody reads Fanfiction??? And I didn't die, much to my enemies' horror!! XD I am evil!!!!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Sorry, couldn't resist. Lol. ^_^

SMILEE said...

special much?

dreamer said...

Nice MRF13.... Sorry Raven I've been running like crazy missed you too.

Max Ride Fan 13 said...

What special???

Rose :Raven: said...


dreamer said...

wooooow... You must be like on crack hyper. Cool!!

Max Ride Fan 13 said...

Lalalalala. I'm addicted to candy.

Rose :Raven: said...

im not on crack im a straight edge

Rose :Raven: said...

where the fuk are all of you ppl im getting super bored with you ppl!!!!!! yooooooooooooooooooo waz up in da hizzy dizzy house u dumb ppl love sam schwartz jeneva's friend...... sorry shes the crack head

Max Ride Fan 13 said...

You are insane. XD I love Mars!!! The chocolate, not the planet. My fave planet is Eris! Yay!!! Randomness.

Rose :Raven: said...

im not hyper anymore

Max Ride Fan 13 said...

aww.... That is so sad. You're funny when your hyper! XD

Themes songs for me, my character, and Vincent, anf Final fantasy 7 =)

Vincents themes Naomi's Theme My theme Final fantasy 7 character theme songs Me and Vincents song


"And so, the hound weaves in its final chapter of life."

"Don't waste dreams away, or your wasting your life away.."

"Love..Is pain, hatred, and depression...If you lose it.."

"What is art? Find out...And live your life!"

"How can there be life...If there is no one living it?"

"Danger? I don't think so.."

Music..Again...But better...