Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Peeples help me plz! Last nite I was on the phone with my friend and we called another one to see what she thinks about me. So, I put my phone on mute and listened in. She said and I quote "I hate Jeneva, and I hope she burns in hell." I wanted to go into the phone and strangle her so she could go to hell. I mean come on! I have never done anything to her and she said that about me. Like What the fuck? If I ever see her again I'm gonna kick her ass all over the place. And belive me I do not I REPEAT DO NOT HAVE GOOD SELF CONTROL. I think I should have a T-shirt that says Piss me off watch what happens to you. Because in my old school in bellport I was made fun of 24-7. And lemme tell you that if I got into alot of fights.



WingedChild said...

if u end up beating the crap outa this girl ill be there shouting 'Jery Jery Jery!'. lol.


Rose :Raven: said...

OMFG thanks. But anyway like my new picture?


WingedChild said...

i love that movie


Rose :Raven: said...

I no but now i got an even btter picture! Its a drawing i did of max.


WingedChild said...

ive seen that pic online.


Anonymous said...

on the fighting thing I'm just as bad, I basically solve all of my problems with my fists and i'm way 2 aggresive so I sAY more power 2 ya.

on the boyfriend thing, sit him down and talk 2 him, if he doesnt give u a straight answere, screw him!!! u dont have 2 put up with him,...

yeah I know , not good advice on either , but what can I do?


Rose :Raven: said...

Hey guys, guess wat? my mom tryed to get me to sleepover with my grandma. its retarded ill post some more when im at the library. Later


Rose :Raven: said...

Yo i would kick ass if i had wings. Because of the following:
1:I'm stronger than my dad
2:I no martial arts
3:My ager issues would help out

Awsomeness right? But i would rule in a good way. Also when i was in the fith grade i beat up a seventh grader!!! He was crying his fing ass off!! LOL it makes me laugh when I think about it.


WingedChild said...

omg, he cried?

Rose :Raven: said...

Yea he did like a baby got his candy taken away i laughed so hard! i never had that much fun back then.


WingedChild said...

lol funny. wat r u a body builder kid or somthing? lol

Rose :Raven: said...

No. Its just a wierd thing with me im strong but my bone marrow is not. But if you smack me in the head with a text book it wont hurt me. IT IS AWSOMW THE MAGIC RAVEN WIL NOW SMACKC HERSELF IN THE HEAD WITH A 10 POUND TEXT BOOK AND IT WILL NOT HURT HER!!!! Lol that would be sooo funny.


Anonymous said...

yeah first there is resistors of pain, some people and then theres me and U. I just forgot things hurt a long time ago,U must be the same way, my dad was wrestleing with me and almost snapped me ankle and I didnt feel a thing.

It gets annoying though because my friends had a contest who could get me 2 say it hurtz. so joe brought out a giant 2x4 block of wood and hit me in the arm as hard as he could, didnt hurt but caused a narly bruize. So now they just try as hard as they can 2 hurt me and its pretty funnt.


Anonymous said...

p.s. the comment u sent me, what was the description of?


Rose :Raven: said...

The description was me with all of that if i could have all of those things. It would be the most awsome thing ever!


Anonymous said...

lol, the pic is awesome! a wolf with wings, who ever thought of that?


Rose :Raven: said...

I no right i love it so much they have other ones to go to click on images and type in wolfs with wings and a bunch will come up. I am so awsome. lol


Just another face in the crowd said...

That's horrible! I can't believe someone would say that for no reason!

Rose :Raven: said...

hey don't worry about it. I get treated like that 24-7.


wings said...
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turnabout said...

ok i just have to say that i read your profile and i so totally wish i had wings... i wish i could leave this place (if you haven't been briefed on the suckyness of my life read my comments on gabby's blog) and about your 'friend' and being teased : she obviously doesn't deserve to know you if that's what she thinks! and about the being teased i'm sry it happened, at my school people don't ever mess with me or my friends because i'm kind of like the "don't mess with me" girl of the grade, it's not that people dislike me or anything i just have two older brothers that i used to take karate with and becuase my brothers are such as*holes they 'raised' me so that when ever someone tries to insult me (not often) i have a retort for anything they say (i've even shown up kids 5+ grades ahead of me)

i hope you beat the crap out of your supposed to be friend!

<3 kat

p.s. i had to get an account to post this!

Rose :Raven: said...

yeah i went to live after five in my town yesterday and i wore this outfit thats a signiture of me to everyone its called say something and ill kick your ass all over the town seriously not kidding. whent the people who made fun of me in my old skool went to say something i curled up my fist went in his face and said you got something to say to me stick it up your ass im wanna watch the band play and i walked away. and that is why no one messes with me anymore cuz they know how i am.


Themes songs for me, my character, and Vincent, anf Final fantasy 7 =)

Vincents themes Naomi's Theme My theme Final fantasy 7 character theme songs Me and Vincents song


"And so, the hound weaves in its final chapter of life."

"Don't waste dreams away, or your wasting your life away.."

"Love..Is pain, hatred, and depression...If you lose it.."

"What is art? Find out...And live your life!"

"How can there be life...If there is no one living it?"

"Danger? I don't think so.."

Music..Again...But better...