Sunday, July 29, 2007

omfg i hate people

I hate people. I mean like people just don't get the fact that I'm diffrent from other girls. I mean MY OWN mom thinks that I have mental problems which I don't. The only reason she thinks that is because of my mood swing problem. My friend is like obsessed with this boy who hates her. And is friends with a girl who talks behind her back. I have no idea where anyone is lately. My grandma is annoying the hell outta me to come back which I'm not. I just want some peace and every time I try too, all I get is pain and regret. And people think I'm grily, which makes me wanna punch them in the face. I mean I ddress like it cuz I'm a girl but I will never be girly. Plus I don't know why but every time I talk to my friend she talks for two seconds then signs off. (We tlak on AIM.) It's sooo retarded. And I've had alot of desapointments in my life so I barely trust anyone anymore. Everytime I had a friend they would talk behind my back. From then on I could'nt trust anyone.

I am so done, Raven


Max Ride Fan 13 said...

OMG!!! Seriously?? I had a friend who talked behind my back so one day i couldnt take anymore and shouted at her and told her to get that replacement she had cos i was done. yeah, she said that if i go, she already had a replacement for me. She said that TO MY FACE!!!! Can you believe that???!!! Sorry i didnt comment. I was at the NUS High camp. Lol. It was fun cos it was on Math and Science. Lol. I'm a geek.

Rose :Raven: said...

i no it suks i have had so many people do that to me that i dont trust anyone anymore!!! oh do you have myspace?

WingedChild said...

im srry. :(


Anonymous said...

hey raven, I just got back and I heard u had a question for me??????

well that people post sucks and I hope it goes better, I'll be waiting hopefully for that question.

-wolfy boy

Anonymous said...

yeah read the comments, ummm, yeah it so happens to be that I AM A well i guess its about ur boyfriend,, well if it is heres some advice, if its not, well heres some advice anyway.

if he wont talk 2 u, fuck him. he should lern that if ur together he needs to talk, i somethins wrong tell me, I lke practicing the advice thin, lol.

-wolf boy

Rose :Raven: said...

thx wolfy listen it wasnt about that my question is do you have myspace?

wings said...

i don't trust anyone either...
but that's cause i grew up in SA(South Africa) where there is loads of crime...
you don't trust many people in SA...
we(by we i mean my mom, my sis and me) were in the shops one time and someone was following us around and then when we stopped for a second she(the person following us) walked by real close to my mom not slowly just walked at a normal pace, and then walked by, when my mom checked her handbag she realised her cellphone wasn't there anymore... and the one time my sisters friend and her mom were driving home and these dudes came they put guns to the girl(my sisters friend Nicole) and her mom(Gaby) and took the car and everything in it leaving them on the side of the road still miles from their home...
You do not want to be out at night on a dark road or anywhere dark for that matter especially in SA!!
luckly nothing happened and they found the car abandounded a couple minutes down the road, most of the valuable ie. jewllery and money was gone...

sorry very long comment

wings said...

i hate those stuck up popular people who think they're better than every body else just because the hotest guys are drooling over them and they have all the latest things!!!!
and bullies, i HATE bullies!!!!!!!!!

miri_is_here said...

I like your additude Raven.

Rose :Raven: said...

thx i went to check out your blog you dont have one...okkkk

Rose :Raven: said...

oh man thats gotta suk im sorry you had to live in a place like that, i grew up in bellport were you get threatened and hurt and made fun of 24 7 sooo i cant say its as bad as what you went through...


WingedChild said...

Wolfy is back u can ask waterver it is u wanted to ask


miri_is_here said...

Yeah...I was tired last night and didn't want to mess with it. I'm starting it today.

turnabout said...

hmm sounds suckish... i get why you don't trust people...i think i might be depressed but i don't wnt to tell anyone cuase i'm the only 'normal' kid in my family and i don't want my parents to have to deal with another mesed up kid... the only time i'm not totally said is when i'm talking to my friends but i cant tell them either cuase their all such happy people and telling them would be like talking to a wall

Rose :Raven: said...

acutually its gonna ruin you if you keep it all in you have got to tell someone or you'll end up like me...and you dont want that...raven

miri_is_here said...

Thanks for the site Raven. I never would have found it if you hadn't shown it to me.

Max Ride Fan 13 said...

Hi. I never knew my comments were funny. Lol. I'm a very serious person you know. I scold people that most of them(even boys) will start to cry. Lol. I'm a bad bad prefect. It sucks when you have to put on a face and act like nothing is wrong but you really are dying on the inside. My classmates(especially boys) always irritate me cos they want to see my reaction which is shouting at them but when i'm thinking clearly i'll just tell my teacher. Serve them right!! Bunch of idiots they are. Lol. I dont have myspace sorry. I hate those people who befriend the 'rich and popular' people just cos they can also become 'popular'. I feel that friendship can happen between any 2 individuals no matter how different they are. Thanks for the comments. This is a very long comment. Lol.

Max Ride Fan 13 said...

I cant find the video. Lol. Help me!!!!

Rose :Raven: said...

well you might have the same problem as me bi-polar disorder whenever you get nervous you get pissed off and start shouting and crap like that...i used to get made fun of cuz of that...=( i hated it i had only 2 friends. but then i switched to my old private skool and i have a bunch of friends and i dont get all fs on my report card now...lawl...ttyl raven p.s. look on the video reel

miri_is_here said...

Yeah I had the same problem somthing about my Xml code being wrong or something. I had to switch of to HTML there is a button you click that lets you do it. I've fixed mine so I don't know what it is anymore, but oyu can fix it if you ever get tired of your layout. It was a pain to I was like WHAT AM I DOING WRONG!!!! oh well all better now :).

Anonymous said...

sry no myspace, got deleted twice decided it wasnt worth my time.

-wolf boy

Rose :Raven: said...

lol its a good way to communicate as long as your careful your soooo mature lol wolfy where did you go califonia disney?


Max Ride Fan 13 said...

I think that that girl who acts like a slut or befriends sluts should just be ignored. In the end it is she who loses out cos her slutty friends influence her to do things that they shouldn't. You can tell her to find other friends but if she won't listen, leave her alone. One day she will regret cos she had a chance of finding better friends but she didn't. 11? That's my sis' age. Don't resort to violence, no matter what. I always get scolded for hitting people and you don't want to get scolded right? You just wanna help but don't hit her!! You can try to make her fell bad by telling her that sluts will end up as single moms cos they don't know who the father of their child is(they sleep with too many poeple). ucky you! I couk=ld never go back to my old group of friends cos they already started acting like b**ches to me. Oh well. I don't care. I hope my advice helps(usually it does) but I don't like giving advice and you're lucky cos i like you!!! Lol.

Max Ride Fan 13 said...

omg!! That Peanut Butter Jelly TIme video is so funny!! I almost fell off my chair! Lol.

Wishing_for_Wings said...

I know what ur talking about it sounds just like what I go through every day ppl always trying to say you have problems if you different. Anyways you seem interesting, not fake or cheesy ttyl

Rose :Raven: said...

thx..and you know what? people im girly. but once they see the way i talk and act they back up..they never get to know me before they put me down...ttyl...raven

DARK-STAR said...

I think all my friends talk behind my back too. No, i KNOW they do. It's annoys the hell outta me. I hate all the preppy people, and they hate me.
Hope things are getting better (i read the thing on the just happy to be here blog)

KeL xx

Themes songs for me, my character, and Vincent, anf Final fantasy 7 =)

Vincents themes Naomi's Theme My theme Final fantasy 7 character theme songs Me and Vincents song


"And so, the hound weaves in its final chapter of life."

"Don't waste dreams away, or your wasting your life away.."

"Love..Is pain, hatred, and depression...If you lose it.."

"What is art? Find out...And live your life!"

"How can there be life...If there is no one living it?"

"Danger? I don't think so.."

Music..Again...But better...