Wednesday, November 7, 2007

My book

Hey this is the book im writing im gonna start posting it on here comment on it and i hope you love it... later, Raven
(Chapters one and two on this post

Chapter one: The runaway Project

Vincent Valentine was surrounded by the Turks. He was on the ground almost un-contience. Rufus Shinra came over to him and pointed his gun at Vincents head. "You should have stayed Valentine." He was about to pull the trigger, but suddenly he was sent flying by a kick to the chest. A girl landed in front of Vincent. He couldn't see anything because the girl had wings. "Well if it isn't the runaway project." Rufus said to the girl. "Back off, Rufus. You ruin to many lives." She said then she attacked all of the Turks around them. 'Shes a strong fighter.' Vincent thought to himself. The girl was using Martial arts, like chain belt Martial arts. The girl got shot three times, but she ignored it and kept fighting. She started to change form into something that looks like Nanaki. Vincent sawa how she transform into the same thing as Nanaki but diffrent. She had black and red fur, markings everywhere, bracelets and armor on her. Plus her wings which were black and silver. She was bleeding alot and she still fought. Once she finished with them, she walked over to Rufus who was now cowering by a tree. "Get outta here." She said in a raspy voice. He got up and ran off. She dropped to the ground and blacked out. Vincent got up and ran over to the girl who was now reverting back to her human self. Vincent guessed she was around 28, long red and black hair, pale grey skin, very tall, skinny with some muscel showing (but she is very strong), long fangs, markings going from the forehead all the way down both arms, and black and silver wings. She was wears ripped up jeans, black tank top, and sneakers. Vincent decided to take her to Tifa and Cloud. He gently picked her up and started to run back to 7th heaven.

Vincent walked into 7th heaven and told Tifa the situation. Tifa took some Materia and healed the girl with it. Then she told Vincent to bring her up to her bedroom and to lay her down on the bed. He picked the girl up and brought her to Tifa's room and layed her on the bed gently. He went and stood in a corner of the bedroom that was dark. He put his head down and closed his eyes. 'Vincent, this girl is more than just part animal. But i'm gonna let you find out why on your own.' Vincent heard Chaos say in his head. He pondered at wat he might have ment from it, but he was interupted by hearing the girl move in the bed. She was in pain he could he, her eyes opened up slowly and shimered from the lamp on next to her. They looked like Vincents eyes but they had a tint of silver to them. She got up in the bed and turned around to put her feet on the floor. She shook her head and stood up. Her nose started to twitch and she looked at Vincent. "Your the one getting attacked by Shinra right?" She asked, Vincent nodded and said/asked "Thanks, whats your name?" He asked her with a blank expression. "Raven, I was an experiment of Rufus's." Raven said with blank expression as well. She heard foot steps near the door, She looked around and saw a little girl hiding behind the door. Raven gently said "Its ok. I'm not going to hurt you." She knew the girl was probably scared of her markings and wings. The girl came closer. Raven smiled and bent down. "What your name?" She asked in a gentle tone. The girl hestated but answered "Marlene." Raven put her head to the side a little. "Marlene don't be afraid at what I am about to do. I'm not going to hurt you." Raven said calmly. Then she started to transform into her animal form. Once she was done, Marlene had a surprised expression on her face. "You look like Nanaki!" She said. Vincent walked over to them. "We should go down stairs and show this to Cloud and Tifa. Raven followed Vincent and Marlene out the room.

Am I? Or not... Chapter 2

Raven followed Vincent and Marlene down the steps on all fours since she didn't revert back yet. There was a small amount of people down there. "Nanaki?" One girl asked. Raven stood up on all fours and asked "Who is Nanaki?" After she asked that, she reverted back to her human form. Her eyebrow raised when she saw a sweatdrop comign from the girls head and her eyes twitching. "This is Raven, she is the girl from before Tifa." Vincent said standing against the wall. "Sup." Raven said looking bored. Tifa came up to her and started to introduce herself and everyone else. "I'm Tifa, you already know Vincent." She turned to the guy who she helped out. She nodded at him and turned back around. "I'm Cloud." Cloud said as he walked up to her. "I'm Cait sith!" The little cat said jumping onto her shoulder. She smiled at him. "The names Cid." Came from Cid as he walked over to her with his hand out. She shook it and looked at the young Ninja who just jumped in front of Cid. "Hey! I'm Yuffie!" She almost screamed. 'She is really hyper.' Raven thought to herself. "Whats crackin! I'm Barret. Marlenes father." Raven smiled and nodded at him. The door opened up and Nanaki walked in. "This is Nanaki." Tifa said looking at him. "Wait a minute... I remember you. You were an experiment done at Shinra, Right?" Raven asked walking over to him. She transformed into her animal form. "Raven?" He asked with his eyes wide. She nodded. "Wow! It has been a long time since I have seen you. You've grown." Nanaki said gently. "How have you been? And wheres Zeno?" Right after he asked that, Ravens eyes went wide and filled with tears. She ran out the front door still in her animal form. "I'll go get her." Vincent said and went out the door after her.

Vincent followed the sound of her foot steps into a valley. He looked inside caves to see if she was in any. He thought she may have taken shelter since it started raining. He finally found her curled up in a ball inside a cave. He walked in slowly as he heard her crying. He sat down next to her on the cold soaked cave ground. He couldn't help but pet her fur, she picked up her head and looked at him. She looked like she had shame in her eyes. "What's wrong?" He asked quietly. "Zeno was my best friend in the lab... She was all I had once Red escaped.. She was a.. well... a dragon. One day, Rufus Shinra came in and told me that she was terminated.. Dead, and I went absolutely nuts. I almost destroyed the whole Shinra masion in anger and pain from hearing that. I have an entity known as Chaos inside of me. I can't control and once I get angry, the power unleashes on its own.." She was crying so much she could barely speak. She reverted back to her human form. "Now I have no one..." She said with pain filling her voice. Vincent took her chin in his hand and said "Your not alone." He transformed into Chaos. Raven almost started to cry again. But she closed her eyes and concentrated. She transformed into Chaos as well. She smiled. "I... I can't believe that... I finally knowsomeone who knows what I'm going through." She Reverted back and fell to the ground. Vincent reverted back to and ran over to her. "Are you alright?" He asked calmly. His voice filled her ears and made her smile. "Yeah, its just.. I don't know how to control Chaos and it effects me greatly to transform into him." She said standing up. His eyes met hers directly. She felt completely helpless and a diffrent emotion she has not felt in a very long time. Love.

They started to head back to 7th heaven. She took Vincents hand and did a running take off with him to sore the skys. As they flew, Vincent couldn't help but wonder in his head, "Is she in love with me?" It went through his head over and over again until they got back to 7th heaven. She landed and walked into 7th heaven first. "You ok, Raven?" Tifa askd walking up to her. "Yeah, I'm fine." Ravens eyes went with anger. "Everyone stay here." She said as she transformed into Chaos. Everyone gasped except for Vincent. She went outside and growled as she saw Wolvezara coming at her. There were at least fifty of them. "Don't even think about hurting them." She screamed in a double voice. "Aww, does Raven have a new family." A Wolvezara chuckled, but when she saw Raven transform into a diffrent side of Chaos she yelped and screamed "ATTACK!" Raven laughed and killed any Wolvezara that came her way in a matter of seconds. But, more Wolvezara showed up and she was getting worn out. She was beat up real bad but she kept fighting. When she was sent to the ground she saw Vincent jump in and fight off all of the Wolvezara. She got up slowly and reverted back to human. She fell to the ground again. "Whoa, take it easy there girl." Came Cids voice as he helped her to her feet. He put one arm around his head and helped her into the house. Vincent followed them in. "I guess were even now." She smirked at Vincent. He nodded and saw how badly she was wounded. He got some Materia and healed her with it. "What in the hell were those things?" Cid asked with his eyes wide. "Wolvezara, there new assasins for the Turks since I escaped. I guess they want me back if tey followed me here." She said with her voice straining in pain. "Well, they not gonna have you back." Cloud said walking over to her. Her head went to the side. "Because we want you to join us." He said smiling. Ravens eyes went wide and filled with good tears. Vincent let her stand up. "I accept." She said smiling. They all nodded at her. "Awessome!" Yuffie screamed and punched the air. Raven laughed and felt a hand on hers. She knelt down and found Marlene with a hand out. Raven smiled and took it. "Friends?" Marlene asked. Raven nodded and said "Friends." 'Shes like a little sister.' Raven thought to herself.


Shadow said...

cool I like it. I'm just checking out some peoples blogs. You can check mine out if you want it sux though.

Jake said...

Hey It's Shadow but with a diffrent username. Just telling you so you don't do what you did to smiley cus it looks like you can be really pissed off. my old username doesn't work but you can use my new one

SMILEE said...

I resent that by the way Jake

SMILEE said...

she knows me ... somewhat.

Rose :Raven: said...

Jakes not real... My friend played a bad joke on me... She hurt me so much... im sorry i lied about my powers it wuz the only thing that made me feel good... I feel so alone now again... And my head hurts from trying to figure out everything.. Im sorry! im so sorry! please! forgiuve! i have no one else...

Shadowolf said...

MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE!!!! I can't write anymore of Advent Children unless I have more!!!!

Themes songs for me, my character, and Vincent, anf Final fantasy 7 =)

Vincents themes Naomi's Theme My theme Final fantasy 7 character theme songs Me and Vincents song


"And so, the hound weaves in its final chapter of life."

"Don't waste dreams away, or your wasting your life away.."

"Love..Is pain, hatred, and depression...If you lose it.."

"What is art? Find out...And live your life!"

"How can there be life...If there is no one living it?"

"Danger? I don't think so.."

Music..Again...But better...